Reviewed by Barry Lenny, Thursday 16th June, 2016
This year, The Wharf Revue took a retrospective look at its fifteen years and twenty-one productions of political and social satire. Written by Jonathan Biggins, Drew Forsythe, and Phillip Scott, and featuring the three of them with Amanda Bishop, no politician or public figure is safe from their barbed wits. Phillip Scott is also the musical director for the group and the lighting design is by Matthew Marshall. The production is a combination of, mostly, live performances to either piano or recorded music, interspersed with occasional video segments, with the four performers creating dozens of caricatures of the rich and famous. With them, came waves of laughter and applause from an appreciative audience as we remembered people and events from the past decade and a half, with a string of Prime Ministers getting the Wharf treatment. John Howard, Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, and Tony Abbott were all held up for ridicule, and everybody loves to see their leaders subjected to a satirical analysis.Videos