Tell us a bit about Act Natural.
I play Cayden Hunter who is a disillusioned egotistical and ultimately tragic acting coach. The show is set in one of his acting workshops which he largely uses as a platform to show off, talk about himself and seduce his audience. It doesn't really go to plan.
Why bring it to Edinburgh?
All the obvious reasons. You get to work your show out. Get better at what you do. Build your audience.
What sets it apart from other shows at the Fringe?
I couldn't really say. Other than that I'm in it and it's the only show on at 7.15pm at The Below in the Pleasance Courtyard.
Who would you recommend comes to see your show?
I've not been doing it long enough to know my audience. But I guess people that like theatre as well as comedy, maybe with a leaning towards the alternative. Someone once describe it as an uncomfortable hour. I've done a few gigs where the audience is mainly full of fans of the headline act. For example Nick Helms audience liked me, Milton Jones fans not so much. If that helps.
Are there any other performances you're hoping to catch at the festival?
There's loads. A lot of stuff at summerhall. All of the Fight In the Dog acts. Luke McQueen, Figs in Wigs. Wild Boar. All my flat mates, Kat Bond, Lorna Shaw, Rob Cawsey and Tessa Coates. Nick Coyle. A lot of stuff at The Stand. I'd like to see P J Harvey if I can. I've also never managed to see the Lady Boys of Bangkok, maybe this is the year.
Jon Pointing: Act Natural runs from August 2-27 (not 14), 19:15, Pleasance Below