Mr. Allers has been instrumental in shaping the structure and dialogue of many Disney animated features since 1988, including Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Oliver and Company, Rescuers Down Under, Prince and the Pauper and the computer-animated movie Tron. Prior to working with Disney, he created animation on children's programs and features for studios in Boston, Toronto and Tokyo. He is currently developing an animated feature for Sony and a new stage musical with Irene Mecchi.
Roger Allers, The Lion King
Roger Allers, The Lion King
Roger Allers has written 1 shows including The Lion King (Bookwriter).
Roger Allers has been nominated for Best Musical at the New York Drama Critics Circle Awards for The Lion King and for Best Book of a Musical at the Tony Awards for The Lion King.
Roger Allers won the Best Musical award at the New York Drama Critics Circle Awards for The Lion King.