Baibin Nighthawk is a member of the Art of Ink in America Society and a writer. She has won several Poetry and international Calligraphy Awards in Japan and China. In partnership with Dominick Fencer, a VFR pilot (light-sport aircraft) and writer, she has been working for 3 years to finalize a spy-thriller trilogy.
"Black Hawk Day Rewind" is the first novel, and includes present-day themes in a high tech environment, providing the background issues and setting of the story.
The main character of "Black Hawk Day Rewind" is Mark Savannah, an agent who has been burnt, looking for a future with a past he cannot avoid. Mark discovers an extraordinary secret hidden deep in Colonel Reed's past and in the operations of Biosketch Technologies Inc., a biotech company he has come into contact with while studying some civilian and military neural transplant patients and hiding from Anaïs, the sniper that is hunting him down. The consequences of Reed's plans could compromise international security and Mark, in order to be free once again, has to stop him at all costs.
Entertainment spy-fiction with thrills, tension, and surprisingly sensual moments. A page-turner novel.
"BLACK HAWK DAY REWIND" by Baibin Nighthawk and Dominick Fencer
Published: November 20, 2013 • ISBN: 9781301526628
For more information about Baibin and Fencer or their book, please visit: or Black Hawk Day Rewind blog at