"...App" is a completely improvised show based in the technological world and presented in the style of a Pitch Deck. The "...App" team seeks to sell you, our potential investors, on the hottest new mobile app, the title of which is provided via audience suggestion! The show is always new, always thrilling, and always an absolute blast. Our final two performances will be this Sunday, July 31st, and the following Sunday, August 7th, at 8:30pm. We would like to offer you free press tickets, should you be able to review or list our show.
Official "...App" pages via The Annoyance Theatre:
Facebook. Snapchat. Google Maps. OKCupid. What do they have in common?
None of them are as revolutionary or life-changing as the (improvised) app you'll see at "An Exclusive Presentation of A Life-Changing New App!" Our app is so incredible and our (randomized) PowerPoint is so convincing, you'll be begging to throw your money at our experienced, professional development team.
Ian Lockwood
Emma Krulik
Sonia Nam
Marybess Pritchett
Directed by:
Ian Lockwood
Anthony Oberbeck