
prog metal Sweeney in DC- Page 3

prog metal Sweeney in DC

#50prog metal Sweeney in DC
Posted: 1/1/23 at 4:37pm

KJisgroovy said: ""But consider: the show earned three Helen Hayes nominations, including Outstanding Musical. That means 8 highly qualified and vetted adjudicators independently ranked the show in the top 5 of 100+ shows they saw that season."

This isn't true at all. This was nominated as a Helen production. There were absolutely NOT 100+ Helen eligible musicals that season.”

Oh, well that changes everything. 

As you know, adjudication is numerical, which means those scores averaged higher than hundreds of shows those judges saw over consecutive seasons. A lot of really good shows, too. And the Helen category really means something because those theatres have to achieve excellence without the advantage of a union budget.

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#52prog metal Sweeney
Posted: 5/5/24 at 4:00pm

Figured I would post this here instead of starting a new thread...


Unless I missed it, surprised a thread didn't start about this. The video is really well done and a total nod to the movie.  I suspect the song is titled after the line "I want you, bleeders". The EP coming out will have a cover of "My Friends".  Will be looking out for that. 


Found a few interviews with the lead singer and the show had an impact on him.



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Updated On: 5/5/24 at 04:00 PM
