
Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?

Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#1Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?
Posted: 8/29/12 at 9:55am

With the great Al Pacino returning to Broadway this fall to star in Glengarry Glen Ross, what other great Hollywood greats have starred on Broadway?

What were they like? How were they critically received? Were they a big box office draw?

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#2Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?
Posted: 8/29/12 at 9:57am


Wynbish Profile Photo
#2Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?
Posted: 8/29/12 at 10:04am

You act like almost every season does not have some Hollywood star

Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?

best12bars Profile Photo
#3Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?
Posted: 8/29/12 at 10:12am

Wynbish is right. Almost every season going back decades has had "Hollywood" actors who have graced the boards.

Some of them actually started in theatre (perhaps not Broadway), and some landed there because of their film or TV resumes and their desire to give it a shot.

Too many to name, but Google is your friend.

EDIT: At the beginning of "talking pictures," many of the movie stars came from Broadway, and a lot of them would go back and forth between the two. Katharine Hepburn had it written into her studio contracts that she could appear on Broadway as well.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 8/29/12 at 10:12 AM

Playbilly Profile Photo
#4Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?
Posted: 8/29/12 at 10:39am

Phantom, just wait for anothere SAG strike. Broadway will be Hollywood East.

"Through The Sacrifice You Made, We Can't Believe The Price You Paid..For Love!"

Wynbish Profile Photo
#5Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?
Posted: 8/29/12 at 10:46am

I've been listening to a lot of Cecil B. Demille Lux Radio productions lately, and many of the stars played a role on Broadway that they later played on film.

Also, look at last season. Ricky Martin, Matthew Broderick, Cynthia Nixon, James Earl Jones, Judith Light - and those are just from the opening of the Tony's

castlestreet Profile Photo
#6Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?
Posted: 8/29/12 at 10:47am

best12 is right on the mark- most "theater" people forget just how many of the current legends of the silver screen got their start on the boards. This is nothing new and will continue as long as actors and actresses wish to either return to their roots or simply try their hand at one of the purest forms of acting that there is: stage work.

Watch Glenn Close on Inside The Actors Studio, she gives some wonderful insight as to just how stage work is so much more fulfilling and challenging.

Midnight Radio
#7Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?
Posted: 8/29/12 at 11:08am

I misread this at first and was expecting a discussion of when actors post on the BWW Boards... that sounded far more promising

Updated On: 8/29/12 at 11:08 AM

#8Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?
Posted: 8/29/12 at 11:12am

As did I, Midnight Radio...

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

newintown Profile Photo
#9Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?
Posted: 8/29/12 at 11:29am

1) "Hallow" is a verb. "Hallowed" is the adjective for which you sought in vain.

2) "...great Hollywood greats" is redundant, unless you feel that there are mediocre Hollywood greats, or great Hollywood nobodies, or something...

darquegk Profile Photo
#10Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?
Posted: 8/29/12 at 12:08pm

Oh, there are definitely great Hollywood nobodies and mediocre Hollywood greats.

Brilliant screenwriter and character actor Jim Rash is a non-entity in the performing world, only known for his supporting role on Community (which is another great non-entity, sadly), but is an award-winner despite no one really taking him seriously.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#11Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?
Posted: 8/29/12 at 12:11pm

Most people probably know him because he's "oh yeah! that leg guy!"

Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#12Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?
Posted: 8/29/12 at 11:22pm

Vanessa Redgrave, Laurence Olivier, Stockard Channing, Laurence Fishburne Vivien Leigh, Charles Boyer, Frances McDormand, Angela Lansbury, Hugh Jackman, Lauren Bacall, Kathleen Turner, Kurt Douglas, Leiv Schreiber, Denzel Washington, Jose Ferrer, Rex Harrison, Basil Rathbone, Anne Bancroft, Henry Fonda. Paul Muni, Fredric March, Rosalind Russell, Ralph Bellamy, Claude Raines, Jessica Lange, Edward G. Robinson, Michael Redgrave, Geoffrey Rush, Margaret Leighton, Bette Davis, Boris Karloff, Ralph Richardson, Richard Burton, Susan Sarandon, Hugh Griffith, Laura Linney, Jack Lemmon, Viola Davis, Laurence Olivier. Julie Harris, Shirley Booth, Alec Guinness, Eileen Heckart, Walter Matthau, Janet McTeer, Melvyn Douglas. Glenn Close, Anthony Quinn, Ingrid Bergman, Fredric March, Bert Lahr, Celeste Hollm, Wendy Hlller, Richard Burton, Jason Robards, Albert Finney, John Gielgud, George C. Scott, Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino, Frank Langella, Alan Bates, Mary Stuart Masterson, Mary Louise Parker, Edie Falco, Jeremy Irons, Thelma Ritter, Jennifer Ehle, Alan Rickman, Helen Hayes, Audrey Hepburn, Ellen Burstyn, Ian McKellan, Max von Sydow, Geraldine Page, Elizabeth Ashley, Estelle Parsons, Ralph Fiennes, Katharine Hepburn, Alfred Molina, Anthony LaPaglia, Mia Farrow, Dianne Wiest, Kevin Spacey, Sam Waterson, Ellen Barkin, Gabriel Byrne, James Earl Jones, Gary Sinese, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Antonio Banderas, Angela Bassett, Jill Clayburgh, Raul Julia, Stanley Tucci, Blair Brown, Jude Lawe, John Lithgow, Claudette Colbert, Maureen Stapleton, Joan Allen, Yvonne de Carlo, Alexis Smith, Sandy Dennis, Edith Evans, Jane Alexander, Liv Ullmann, Glenda Jackson, Joan Allen, Kate Nelligan, Lynn Redgrave, Helen Mirren, Juliette Binoche, Mercedes Ruehl, Liza Minnelli, Margaret Sullivan, Louis Jordain, June Allyson and Jane Fonda.

Updated On: 8/30/12 at 11:22 PM

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#13Great Hollywood Actors Daring To Tread The Hallow Broadway Boards?
Posted: 8/29/12 at 11:36pm

It's interesting the way star's careers intersected with Broadway back in the 60s and 70s. You had Streisand making a name for herself on stage, Liza moving back and forth between stage and screen, Lansbury finding her groove on stage, and Bacall making her Broadway musical debut at 45.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter
