Lia Thomas

#50Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/28/23 at 11:23am

ErikJ972 said: "Jay Lerner-Z said: "I really do not understand your thinking, islander.

Would you say the same if she had taken $20 million to perform at, and sell, Mar-a-Lago?

She has lost the right to call herself an ally.

Has she ever called herself an ally though? She has never been very vocal about political issues. She has stayed silent about the recent drag bans etc. I didn't find her concert in Dubai surprising at all.

That’s exactly my point. I can’t think of a time where she was outspoken politically about any issue at all. That was why/is I found it odd for you to call her a Judas. The reason why I mentioned Katherine McPhee as a better example of being a “Judas” was because she’s someone who had a very large fan base in the LGBT community. And, was positively vocal about the community. Granted, that all went to **** when it was discovered that she not only was a Republican but donated to several anti LGBT groups. To me that is being a Judas rather than someone who really hasn’t been political one way or the other. I think that maybe you’re putting Beyoncé on a pedestal simple because of how much you love their work. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#51Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/28/23 at 12:04pm

Nope, she has never called herself anything but an entertainer. She goes where the money is, like literally anyone else would on the planet. A person unable to see different sides, judges literally everyone, and pretends not to understand someone's point because it undermines their own?

Talk about a Judas. And yes, for the people in the back, front, and super obtuse I am talking about Jay (Lerner) Z. 


Updated On: 7/28/23 at 12:04 PM

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#52Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/28/23 at 12:24pm

Beyoncé accepting the GLAAD Vanguard Award.


Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#53Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/28/23 at 12:26pm

"Now, if you want a performer who did a fantastic job of screwing over their fan base altogether, look at Katherine McPhee. She is someone who’s core fan base were people in the LGBT community, acted like an advocate and supporter, yet, it came out that not only is she a Republican, but she also donated to causes that work hard to disenfranchise those who are in the LGBT community. Talk about a Judas right there. "

Maybe you need to remember "Google" can be your friend, see below.

"McPhee has also participated in numerous charity events for organizations that benefit LGBTQ people, like Gay Men’s Health Crisis, the American Foundation for AIDS Research, and the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation."

Anyway, "Jay Lerner-Z" has gotten this thread way off topic with his constant whining about where "Beyonce" performs. Hopefully and additional replies will be on original topic of the thread.


Updated On: 7/28/23 at 12:26 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#54Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/28/23 at 12:28pm

Yep, she showed up and accepted an award. Perhaps you don't know anything about business but you want your fanbase to be everyone. Like, every single person in the world so every single person in the world will buy your music/merch/Adidas line. It's not hard to figure out that she is a smart businesswoman and everything else is an after thought. It means very little. 

You're embarrassing yourself at this point trying to be obtuse. Stop anytime, JayZ. 


Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#55Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/28/23 at 12:32pm

I'm not embarrassing myself. Actually, gaining your disapproval only tells me I'm on the right path.

Also, Zeppie, I think you'll find it was Sutton who brought up Beyoncé here, in an attack against me... so you can thank her for the derailment.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#56Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/28/23 at 12:44pm

Nope, you started an entire thread bitching about it actually. I was simply including it in my argument because not minding your own business seems to be really difficult to you.

Get a job. Get friends. Get an actual life that doesn't revolve around judging everyone and BWW. Thanks so much, JayZ (lolz).



Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#57Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/28/23 at 12:58pm

Get some manners. Get some decency. Get a conscience.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#58Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/28/23 at 2:22pm

Zeppie2022 said: ""Now, if you want a performer who did a fantastic job of screwing over their fan base altogether, look at Katherine McPhee. She is someone who’s core fan base were people in the LGBT community, acted like an advocate and supporter, yet, it came out that not only is she a Republican, but she also donated to causes that work hard to disenfranchise those who are in the LGBT community. Talk about a Judas right there. "

Maybe you need to remember "Google" can be your friend, see below.

"McPhee has also participated in numerous charity events for organizations that benefit LGBTQ people, like Gay Men’s Health Crisis, the American Foundation for AIDS Research, and the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation."

Anyway, "Jay Lerner-Z" has gotten this thread way off topic with his constant whining about where "Beyonce" performs. Hopefully and additional replies will be on original topic of the thread.

I did do a google search, and the two things that came up were an article from Jezebel pointing out that she had donated to Republican causes. And, then a brief article on towelrod that commented on the aforementioned article. I had thought that there was some fallout with her LGBT fan base as a result becuase while she did donate to LGTBT  causes I was under the impression that the info coming out about her donating to right wing politicians was after it was noted that she had donated to causes to support to the LGBT community. And, that was what caused the issues. If i wasn’t fully accurate in any way I am sorry. That’s on me. 




#59Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/29/23 at 8:29am

"Also, Zeppie, I think you'll find it was Sutton who brought up Beyoncé here, in an attack against me... so you can thank her for the derailment."

Actually, while Sutton brought up Beyonce you started the derailment by attacking her and calling her a "bully". 

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#60Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/29/23 at 9:54am

I did not "attack" Sutton. I called her a bully because she was bullying me, and not for the first time. She is one of the most cruelly dismissive people here. She needs to recognize that, and change.

Also, it is not even that much of a derailment. "LGBTQI rights are human rights", says Beyoncé. What do you think the "T" in that means? It's all linked.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#61Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/29/23 at 1:13pm

The world doesn't revolve around you. A thread about Beyonce is NOT about you. People having children and flying is not about you. Nothing is a personal attack on you. Everyone has tried to explain it to you to open your eyes and acknowledge different view points but you are too unintelligent/obtuse to do so. And I have never dismissed anyone like you do every second of every day. The first time I interacted with you was about Bette Midler saying her opinion, which you just could not handle because it doesn't align with your own. It's pathetic. Get a life. No, seriously.



Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#62Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/29/23 at 1:20pm

The sheer hypocrisy.

Sutton, you told Zeppie that he was not welcome here because he did not share your views on abortion. You have a line too, it seems.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#63Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/29/23 at 1:23pm

Lia Thomas

#64Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/29/23 at 7:46pm

"I did not "attack" Sutton. I called her a bully because she was bullying me, and not for the first time. She is one of the most cruelly dismissive people here. She needs to recognize that, and change."

I have no idea about the personal history on this board between you and her. I just saw you called her a bully and I did not see anything in this thread that prompted you to say she is a bully. I have learned a lesson, stay out of other posters disagreements.

Also, it is not even that much of a derailment. "LGBTQI rights are human rights", says Beyoncé. What do you think the "T" in that means? It's all linked.

Lia Thomas rights are not being denied. One last time, the issue is about fair competition.

#65Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/30/23 at 12:40pm

"The sheer hypocrisy.
Sutton, you told Zeppie that he was not welcome here because he did not share your views on abortion. You have a line too, it seems."

Actually, she said I was not welcome on a topic because I said Biden should not be the nominee in 2024 and maybe somebody like Governor Newsome should replace him. I did not think that was very radical thought because even among Democrats the polling says they think Biden is too old to run in 2024. She branded me a "Republican" and I will show her quote below about not being welcome. BTW - the other day Mitch McConnell had medical issue and once again showing people like him, Feinstein and Fetterman are not fit to serve anymore and need to retire.

Sutton Ross quote 

"Stay far away from this topic since this is a liberal Democratic board. I will only tell you that once. Thanks so much."

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#66Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/30/23 at 4:20pm

Lia Thomas is a woman. You suggest not allowing her to do as other women do. That would be a loss of her rights.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#67Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/30/23 at 6:06pm

"Lia Thomas is a woman. You suggest not allowing her to do as other women do. That would be a loss of her rights."

By being a biological male at birth, Lia Thomas has unfair advantage physically. I don't understand how you don't seem to get that point. I have supplied the facts/science pointing out this advantage several times. It is not only myself who has said this but world-famous athletes including Martina Navratilova who is gay and LBGTQIA+ supporter. There is no sense in continuing these posts, you just want to find a way of claiming discrimination. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#68Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/30/23 at 11:10pm

Going back and forth with someone so incompetent and inept is pointless, Zeppie. Everyone else has stopped and I hope you will too. Letting him talk to only himself will perhaps make him think about his embarrassing, ridiculous, controlling, dumb statements he's made for years now. Just a thought.



Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#69Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/31/23 at 12:49am

Here are the two best ways to deal with a bully/troll:

#1    Ignore them

#2    Ignore them

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 7/31/23 at 12:49 AM

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#70Lia Thomas
Posted: 7/31/23 at 10:11am

I am neither of those things.

Highland Guy has been passive aggressively bullying me for months. His mind can not fathom somebody taking issue with his privileged lifestyle in this time of global crisis.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#71Lia Thomas
Posted: 9/18/23 at 2:34pm

Hi, Zeppie. If you want to continue the Lia Thomas conversation, this is the place to do it. Not over on the main board.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#72Lia Thomas
Posted: 9/24/23 at 10:01pm

"Hi, Zeppie. If you want to continue the Lia Thomas conversation, this is the place to do it. Not over on the main board."

Conversation with you on this topic for me is done. I mentioned this thread in making a point in another thread which is just fine to do. I think I have posted on the main board quite a few more times than you so I don't need your help on where to post.
