
Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West

Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West

Wicked Fanatic Profile Photo
Wicked Fanatic
#1Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/12/13 at 7:38pm

Musical Theatre West's production of SUNSET BOULEVARD opens tonight featuring VALERIE PERRI as Norma Desmond (Eva Peron in the original 1st National Tour and Chicago Companies of EVITA; HARRY CHAPIN: LIES AND LEGENDS (Pasadena Playhouse) ), DAVID BURNHAM as Joe Gillis (WICKED, THE LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA (Broadway); LA CAGE AUX FOLLES, CHILDREN OF EDEN (MTW)), NORMAN LARGE as Max von Mayerling (THE WOMAN IN WHITE, LES MISERABLES (Broadway); LA CAGE AUX FOLLES, THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (MTW)), and ASHLEY FOX LINTON as Betty Schaefer (National Tours of LES MISERABLES, WICKED; MTW Debut).


SUNSET BOULEVARD is under the direction of MTW favorite LARRY RABEN, with musical direction by DAVID LAMOUREUX, and musical staging by JOHN TODD.

Is anyone going tonight? I'll be seeing it on Sunday afternoon. I am so exited to finally be seeing this again after seeing it at the Shubert over 20 years ago with the pre-Broadway Glenn Close run just before the Faye Dunaway firing which prompted the end of the run in Los Angeles. I love this cast having seen all of the principals in other productions recently here in SoCal.

Here's a good article about Valerie Perri who was my 1st Evita and tells why she is perfect to play the role of Norma Desmond. Can't wait to hear her sing "As If We Never Said Goodbye".


For those on Facebook Musical Theatre West's page has some photos of what to expect with the set. Will be nothing like the original but what I see I like.


Their cover photo is my desktop background; love it!

Updated On: 7/12/13 at 07:38 PM

emlodik Profile Photo
#2Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/12/13 at 8:30pm

Ugh... They rented the repulsive sets and costumes from Wichita. Disgusting.

"But your despicable class is dead! Look who they are calling for now!"

ABitOnTheSide Profile Photo
#2Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/12/13 at 8:51pm

Where are the pictures of the set? Who's Jeffrey Polk?

Wicked Fanatic Profile Photo
Wicked Fanatic
#3Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/12/13 at 9:15pm

Edited my 1st post which will now send you to the Musical Theatre West page at Facebook. The latest entry has just a few photos within the post of the set.

#4Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/12/13 at 9:38pm

A little OT --

I wonder why this property has not attracted Hollywood producers towards a film musical version?

*The film noir by Billy Wilder was considered one of the classics of Hollywood - high drama with a touch of irony and a number of fascinating characters.

*The film is all about a slice of life in very early Hollywood, albeit not the very glamorous side of it.

*It is one of ALWebber's best musical scores, with some standout solos and other numbers.

*The roles of Norma Desmond, Joe Gillis, and even Max should interest some of the big names for a new version on screen.

Updated On: 7/12/13 at 09:38 PM

RippedMan Profile Photo
#5Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/13/13 at 12:14am

Because the original film is a masterpiece. Even if this is a musical version, it's still pretty darn close to the original.

And this sounds great. I wish I had known so many well-known people were part of the show. I auditioned for this was and super disappointed when I didn't get the show. They should tell us ahead of time when all these B'way talents are involved. I'm sure they were attached for awhile.

emlodik Profile Photo
#6Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/13/13 at 5:28am

True, but the effect is somewhat dampened by the hideous and tacky sets & costumes. Wichita, what hath thou wrought?!

"But your despicable class is dead! Look who they are calling for now!"

nealb1 Profile Photo
#7Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/13/13 at 2:50pm

I'm seeing the show in a few weeks. Really looking forward to seeing it.
I've been in quite a few shows at MTW over the years, and always enjoy seeing shows there. David B & Norman L are very, very nice guys, as I've done shows with them before.

RippedMan, MTW tends to always go with names & Broadway actors for their leads. Where you under the impression that some roles were pre-cast? What did you audition for?

#8Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/13/13 at 2:51pm

The sets look too bright and cheery for what is supposed to be noir. I hope MTW compensates with their lighting.

gavyj Profile Photo
#9Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/13/13 at 2:56pm

I saw David in Wicked back in 2008. I'm sure he will be a fabulous Joe. I wish I could see this production.

Just saying: I think it is time for Sunset to return to Broadway. With a strong cast and smart, new design (maybe one that isnt as heavy as the old set) I think it could have a strong run.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#11Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/13/13 at 11:57pm

Well, no one in particular. I just couldn't even get an audition for the show, which I found insulting.

nealb1 Profile Photo
#12Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/14/13 at 4:01pm

RippedMan, could you tell us what happened? Were you not able to attend the open call, was it too crowded when you arrived, did you get there too late, etc...

Updated On: 7/15/13 at 04:01 PM

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#13Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/14/13 at 6:36pm

I saw the show last night and loved it! Not a fan of how many projections were used, but I wasn't sure if the original production used them. The car chase was well-done and I thought the mansion was fine. The split-screen effect towards the end of act one was handled well. Great overall performances.

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

Wicked Fanatic Profile Photo
Wicked Fanatic
#14Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/16/13 at 6:22pm


1993's rarely produced Sunset Boulevard is a flawed, somewhat boring musical play that satisfies best with the casting of an actress of great star quality as Norma Desmond, one whose face could have convincingly lit up a silent film screen. MTW has found its star in Valerie Perri, and under Larry Raben's strong, resourceful staging, Sunset Boulevard is 5-star entertainment.

Interesting that he finds it boring but yet gave it a 5-star rating. The original deserved ***** , but not this one. I give it *** 1/2 out of ****. I saw the 3rd performance with 11 to go and mine was the 1st of 2 for the day and I felt that some of the principals were holding back. I liked it, but I didn't love it. For me it was definitely the best of their productions this year and I'm certain that most of the Ovation Awards will go to this show.

Set is not great and nothing will ever compare to what was in the original production. Those type of grandiose musical sets are a thing of the past. The mansion's balcony has a problem for anyone going and sitting in the audience on the left side. There is a red proscenium which eliminates staging on that side. I didn't even realize there was an organ until it was mentioned. Many of Norma's antics on the upper staircase can't be seen from the left and I was in row J, the 9th row.

Brave Sir Robin2 there were projections in the original but not very many. In this production the curtain is used for projections from the movie in certain scenes such as the car chase along Sunset Blvd.; Hollywood Blvd in the past and the trip to MGM to see Cecil B. DeMille. Projections are all the rage in musicals now, but for me it was just the right mix in this show.

The split screen effect you mentioned at the end of Act 1 was well-done. I wondered how they would recreate for me what was a mouth dropping moment in the original production.
For those that haven't seen the original here's what they did:
At the end of the first act when Joe and Norma Desmond are celebrating New Year's Eve Joe leaves to celebrate with his friends "The Perfect Year"/"I Had To Get Out"/"This Time Next Year". At the moment he leaves they lifted the mansion up and it was only then that you realized that the set was held up in the rafters. It lifted up far enough to have the party scene move in underneath the mansion. You could see Glenn Close walking around on the staircase while the partygoers were celebrating below. I can still see this scene in my head as it played out 20 years ago.

In this production the mansion stayed on the left side for Norma and Max to move around while a very very small party set rolled on for them to sing "This Time Next Year". The set was paltry and they were all jammed in a corner on the right, but it worked for me. I marveled that they managed to find a way to recreate a scene that I loved immensely the first time around and still do.

Cast was exceptional with Valerie Perri, my 1st Evita acting and singing the role of Norma Desmond wonderfully. She delivered her songs "With One Look", the finale "I'm ready for my close up Mr. DeMille" and the poignant "As If We Never Said Goodbye" which never fails to make me teary-eyed.

Handsome David Burnham was a perfect match to play Joe Gillis with his exceptional acting and singing! Loved his opening song in Act 2 "Sunset Blvd" and the duet, "Too Much In Love" with Betty Schaefer played by Ashley Linton Fox. She was okay but to be fair she had mic issues for the entire show as did Jeff Skowron who played Sheldrake/Manfred.

The standout in the show for me was Norman Large as the mysterious Max Von Mayerling. His vocals were perfection and his two renditions of "The Greatest Star of All" were showstopers. He got the largest ovation of anyone in the cast at curtain call.

Planning to see it one more time although it's mostly sold out for the remaining 11 shows. If I do won't be sitting on the left again.

Any questions ask away and no I don't have a photo of the curtain although it's a version of what they're using for their cover at their FB page without Burnham and Perri and not in blue.


#15Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/16/13 at 7:44pm

So are they using the sets seen in this link? Is this the curtain too?
Sunset Blvd sets

Wicked Fanatic Profile Photo
Wicked Fanatic
#16Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/16/13 at 8:51pm

Bingo! Those are the sets, the curtain and the costumes they used.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#17Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/16/13 at 8:55pm

RippedMan lives in New York. He was out here on vacation.

MTW wouldn't bother to see him, since he's not local.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Wicked Fanatic Profile Photo
Wicked Fanatic
#18Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/16/13 at 9:22pm

Another review and the photos here will match those in the link by wildcard but I think the cast at MTW look 1000% better in those costumes than those in Wichita.


RippedMan Profile Photo
#19Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/17/13 at 12:50am

But I was local, and would have stayed had I gotten cast, etc. But they wouldn't even see me, which was just frustrating because this is the type of music/show that I'm great for. But whatever. Water under the bridge! I'm sad I don't get to see it. It's one of my favorite shows.

I saw the show at Signature in DC and loved how Norma lost her wig towards the end. Such a great effect.

gavyj Profile Photo
#20Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/17/13 at 12:56am

What is that hideous "With One Look" costume? I mean really.

I also like the Norma loses her wig and her mind thing, RippedMan.

Wicked Fanatic Profile Photo
Wicked Fanatic
#21Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/18/13 at 2:32pm


Review of the show that I saw with all the sound problems. Hopefully they won't be there when I see it for one last time on the 27th.

Updated On: 7/19/13 at 02:32 PM

Wicked Fanatic Profile Photo
Wicked Fanatic
#23Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/29/13 at 1:17pm

Saw the production this weekend and the cast was excellent. Much better than when I saw it years ago with the official tour. It was beautifully acted and sung. The Wichita sets were ok but not spectacular but the costumes, specifically Norma's were atrocious!

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#24Sunset Boulevard at Musical Theatre West
Posted: 7/29/13 at 2:18pm

I saw the trailer. It was o.k. I wasn't too thrilled with the AIWNSG hat. It looked a bit too..Mamie Eisenhower at a White House social.

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)
