Drew Sarich, Noseworthy's understudy is said to be taking over the role until an official replacement is named. The show, which began its San Francisco run on December 17th, plays there until January 29, 2006 as it prepares for Broadway.
Lestat, based on the Vampire Chronicles series by Anne Rice, will begin performances at the Palace Theatre on March 11th,
2006, after winding up a limited engagement at San Francisco's Curran
Theatre, where it will run from December 17th, 2005 through January
29th, 2006.
as the inaugural theatrical production of Warner Bros. Theatre
Ventures, Lestat will feature a score by Grammy Award-winning composer John (The Lion King, Aida) and lyricist Taupin (a longtime songwriting collaborator of John's), and a book by Linda Woolverton (Beauty and the Beast). Directed by Robert Jess Roth with musical staging
by Matt West, the show will star Hugh Panaro in the blood-guzzling title role, Carolee Carmello
as Gabrielle, Jim Stanek as Louis, Roderick Hill
as Nicolas, Michael Genet as Marius and Allison Fischer as Claudia.