Yokko started creating Butoh Medea last March, adapting the Greek mythology of Medea as well as Euripides' tragic dramatization of the story into dance using Butoh, Japanese dance & other types of movement. She started working with her co-choreographer, Jordan Rosin, and costume designer, Deepsikha Chaterjee, lighting designer, Derek Van Heel for a workshop of the show in May. After the first dance workshop, she started working with writer, Sean Michael Welch to adapt the story into written words. Shortly after Yokko began editing the play's epic soundscape and working with Director, Brian Rhinehart to blend dance and text. They held afinal workshop at the end of August before the official World Premiere atUnited Solo.
"I believe in collaboration in theatre." says Yokko. "Even though it is a solo-show, we collaborate with others: writer, director, choreographer, designers, performer, and audience. It is such an honor to receive these awards, which encourage us to continue."
United Solo marked the world premier of Butoh Medea, but is by no means the project's end This newborn play is available for booking and will continue to be performed in the future along with Ren Gyo Soh's signature butoh / movement workshops for performers and non-performers alike.
Check the website for future performances and events: rengyosoh.com.